Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Blessing #11

TRAX! Yes, this post is dedicated to the trax train. UTA should be thanking me for promoting one of their modes of transportation ;) Why on earth am I grateful for TRAX today? Well, other than the fact that it is just plain awesome to ride a train, TRAX made me smile today. Here's why: I love to people watch! Don't call me a creeper, you know you love to people watch too ;) Today's people watching session was special though! I watched a young, male college student talking to someone on the phone and he couldn't stop smiling....you know, the cutesy, cheesy, sappy, talking to his new girlfriend type of smiling :)

I then watched a girl take out her phone to find that she had received a text message. Instantly, a massive smile appeared on her face and I watched her read the message over and over again...now, let's be honest ladies, we've all done this! I have no idea what was said in the phone conversation or the text message, but each of their reactions told me everything I needed to know...they were both so, extremely happy and in love. I tried to imagine what could be going on in their lives and relationships and couldn't stop myself from smiling also as I considered the possibilities. While the road to finding one's EC (eternal companion) can be difficult at times, it can also be just plain adorable. I love love! :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

plus you get to see people completely decked out in one color ;)

I love love too! It's fun appreciating it even if its not directed at me...glad you can too! Love you!